Rose-breasted Grosbeaks

Rose-breasted Grosbeaks

Perkasie is on the edge of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak’s (Pheucticus ludovicianus) warm season nesting range. Audubon says that they generally stay in the tree tops, out of sight. We see two pair regularly on the low hanging phone and electric wires and our shed roof. The female is on the left in the painting. The male is on the right, with the bright, scarlet triangle on his chest and the black head. He also has more songs which he uses to protect nesting territory and the young. Both parents feed the young. They will have one or two broods each year.

This is as good a time to mention as any. I used our Weber Kettle lid to paint the circles for the medallions on the mural and an old attic window frame to paint the shape of the “sign” on the street end of the wall.

Family: Cardinals / Grosbeaks / Buntings