Wood Duck

Wood Duck

In the early 20th century, the Wood Duck (aix sponsa) was threatened with extinction. This was the result of the loss of too many large trees and over-hunting. The Wood Duck nests in trees near water. The duck was brought back by a concerted effort to restore habitat and a campaign to provide thousands and thousands of wooden nesting boxes scattered throughout its potential range. A hunters’ conservation organization, Ducks Unlimited, is responsible for much of this work. They are a non-profit, chapter organization. Much of the restoration of habitat has been funded through the sale of duck stamps to hunters. Many of these have become collector’s items, along with larger sized prints of them.

I was thinking of painting a duck stamp with a Wood Duck on it, when I was reminded of this 29 cent US postage stamp from 1991. I decided to paint it instead.

Wood Ducks are beautiful birds. They are also tasty, if a bit greasy and small. My folks had a hunter friend, as I was growing up in Minnesota. My mom was a very skilled cook. This hunter traveled the world shooting wild game. He would accumulate it in our freezer, then invite 20 or so friends to our house, where my mom, B.J., prepared and served a wild game buffet.

Family: Ducks and Geese